
Сообщения за апрель, 2018

Transactions Altcoin Safest, Fast and Easy

Mira is a great place to buy, store and send digital currency (cryptocurrency). We will make all kinds of a transaction as soon as possible in just minutes. And the key to doing so lies in MIRABOX. An encrypted place to save files or tokens. To buy a digital currency (altcoin), users simply visit the official website of Mira or can also through the application of Mira. Each user can upload files to Mira and can immediately find out what’s inside And some of the features of the Mirabox safe are as follows! Safe Storage Token Token On a computer, flash disk or user cloud Cryptocurrency Transfer Get out of blockchain Hiding Data An encrypted file is anonymous, only the creator knows what it says There are Special Conditions to Open it Like, if the bitcoin exchange rate is greater than a certain value Opening With Confirmation Via e-mail, telegram or SMS Opening Mirabox You can see the contents of the mirabox, the password needed to do so Personal Mirabox You nee


Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is a technology advancement in internet world which offers multiple features to the users and is without a doubt a basic and very important need of individuals in today’s world. We heavily rely on “research and development” and so we involve it in all our projects, procedures works, Academic accomplishments, learning about new things or simply searching and seeking knowledge about the desirable topics. It is without a doubt a technology that can make up handicapped in it’s absence and so people do not prefer but take it as a necessity regardless of what nation or age group they belong to and for this they pay a fixed handsome amount of money on monthly basis without checking their usage .it is a kind of monopoly market where sellers understand about “WI-FI” being the ultimate need of everyone and so they take advantage of it by presenting new packages and schemes fooling the users as the users have no other option and so they make their Wi-Fi connecti

EQUI Capital — Game changer in Venture Capital world

What is Venture Capital? Venture Capital is long-term equity capital invested in new or rapidly expanding enterprises, which represent the financial investment in a highly risky proposition made in the hope of earning a high rate of return. No doubts It plays a vital role in supporting innovation, particularly in the technology sector. The start-ups usually based on an innovative technology or business model and they are usually from the high technology industries, such as information technology (IT), clean technology or biotechnology. Venture capitalists are always first who discover good start-ups and help them to grow and they are essentially managers of risk. What is really missing in cryptocurrency space is the risk management. The thing is that venture firms individuals provide an important source of expertise for the emerging companies they finance. Thank for the 90s dotcom boom, venture capitalists become one of the essential parts of acceleration and growth


TATTI: NEXT GENERATION TRADING PLATFORM MAKING THE HUGE DIFFERENCE! INTRODUCING: Tatti is a type of cryptocurrency that will empower the wider community by bringing Blockchain technology which is a revolutionary and renewable technology into their daily lives. Tatti allows users to interact quickly and securely and unreadable by unauthorized parties. Tatti will be the best solution for high latency, which is often complained by many users on every transaction they make. Getting Started Development friends: The team from Tatti developed this type of cryptocurrency metal using a system that is directly integrated and uses blockchain as the basis of its development. Tatti will use algorithms that have been developed by a team of professional and reliable, which later this algorithm will be used on every transaction that users do, so users will get better latency results, faster transactions and more secure. Tatti uses a peer to peer network, which does not require a third pa